

EIN: 45-2913488 · Windsor, CA

This corporation is a nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation; and is not organized for the private gain of any person. It is organized under the Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation Law for public and charitable purposes. The specific purpose of this corporation is to benefit exclusively the Town of Windsor Parks and Recreation Department facilities, programs and services. Always within the scope of the foregoing corporate purposes, this corporation may: A. Develop, maintain;' improve, expand; erect, enhance, support, preserve, fund, encourage and sustain public parks and facilities operated and owned by the Town of Windsor Parks .and Recreation Department for the benefit of its user?? and the general public;B. Aid, encourage and advise, in the funding and sustainability of recreation programs and services offered by the town of windsor parks and recreation department C. Acquire, hold, improve, preserve, develop and restore the Town of Windsor parks, facilities and/or real estate for rec

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