
We Invest In You

EIN: 85-4242254 · Eden Prairie, MN

Supporting Small Businesses
Providing Access To Affordable Financing
Offering Business Coaching To Underrepresented Entrepreneurs

Our Story

Founded by Ted Yoch in December 2020, We Invest In You supports small businesses in the Greater Minneapolis Metro area. The organization empowers entrepreneurs from diverse backgrounds by providing below-market financing and coaching, helping them achieve financial viability and success sooner.

Our Impact

We Invest In You aims to improve living standards for entrepreneurs and their employees through accessible financing and coaching, enabling them to secure standard loan terms from banks within two to three years.

Make a Difference Today!

Donate cryptocurrency or cash to We Invest In You and help transform the lives of aspiring entrepreneurs. Your support directly funds below-market loans and coaching, fostering sustainable business practices and economic growth.

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