
Teach Democracy

EIN: 95-2219680 · Los Angeles, CA

Civic Education
Youth Engagement
Community Policing
Legal Education

Our Story

Since 1963, Teach Democracy has been dedicated to fostering civic engagement among students. Formerly known as the Constitutional Rights Foundation, the organization has evolved to encompass a broader vision of civic learning. By engaging students in all facets of civic education, Teach Democracy ensures that the future of our representative democracy is in capable hands.


With 94% of students reporting increased effectiveness as citizens, the impact of our programs is profound. Every student involved in our initiatives is empowered to believe they can make a difference.

Why Donate?

Your generous support enables the development of innovative civic education programs that empower students to understand their rights and responsibilities.

Get Involved

Join the movement to inspire the next generation of civic leaders. Donate cryptocurrency or cash today to help Teach Democracy continue its vital work in communities across the nation!

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