
Tampa Hillsborough Homeless Initiative

EIN: 59-3651378 · Tampa, FL

Low Wages
Mental Illness
Substance Abuse
Lack of Affordable Housing

Our Story

The Tampa Hillsborough Homeless Initiative began as an informal network focused on sharing ideas and resources. Over the past two decades, it has evolved into a vital organization dedicated to tackling homelessness in Hillsborough County. Incorporated in 2000, this nonprofit has developed strategic relationships with federal, state, local, and private entities, utilizing data-driven strategies and best practices to create a comprehensive Continuum of Care.


According to the 2022 Point-In-Time Count, 0.1% of Hillsborough County residents experience homelessness. With community support, the goal is to make homelessness rare, brief, and non-recurring. By contributing, individuals can help house the most vulnerable members of the community.

Make a Difference Today

Your support can change lives. Donate cryptocurrency or cash to the Tampa Hillsborough Homeless Initiative and help create lasting solutions to homelessness in our community.

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