
People Organized for Westside Renewal

EIN: 65-1208274 · Los Angeles, CA

Affordable Housing
Economic Justice
Community Safety
Quality Education

Our Story

People Organized for Westside Renewal (POWER) is a community organizing group dedicated to fostering meaningful change in Los Angeles neighborhoods. By building relationships and engaging in direct action, POWER addresses critical issues such as affordable housing, community safety, and quality education.


POWER aims to uplift 500 low-income families through its Eviction Prevention Fund and leadership training programs, empowering residents to advocate for their communities.

Why Donate?

Your donations support essential initiatives like the Eviction Prevention Fund and Leadership Training programs, helping residents combat eviction and develop vital leadership skills.

Get Involved

Join the movement for change! Donate cryptocurrency or cash today to support POWER's mission and help create a brighter future for Los Angeles communities.

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