Newmarket Business Improvement District
EIN: 87-4519402 · Boston, MA
Our Story
The Newmarket Business Association was established in 1976 by a dedicated group of business and property owners in the Newmarket area. Initially focused on the food processing industry, the organization has expanded to represent nearly 200 members across various sectors, advocating for their interests and fostering economic growth.
Through successful advocacy for infrastructure improvements and economic development, the Newmarket Business Association has significantly enhanced the business environment and community engagement in the Newmarket District.
Why Donate?
Your donations support vital local economic development initiatives, community clean-up projects, and provide financial assistance to worthy causes in the area, ensuring the continued growth and vitality of the Newmarket District.
Get Involved
Join the movement to uplift the Newmarket District! Your contributions, whether in cryptocurrency or cash, can make a lasting impact. Together, we can foster a thriving community and support local businesses. Donate today!
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