
Native Land Conservancy

EIN: 46-3944868 · Mashpee, MA

Land Conservation
Cultural Preservation
Indigenous Rights

Our Story

Founded by Wampanoag leader Ramona Peters, the Native Land Conservancy (NLC) is the first Native American-led land conservation group east of the Mississippi. The NLC was established to address the ongoing destruction of indigenous homelands and to seek ways to heal and restore these vital lands. By encouraging land donations, the NLC aims to reclaim and protect the cultural heritage of indigenous peoples.


The NLC has successfully received land donations and established cultural respect easements, significantly contributing to the preservation of indigenous lands and culture.

Why Donate?

Your support for the Native Land Conservancy is a gift that will continue to give for generations to come, helping to protect and restore land and water for all living beings.

Get Involved

Join the movement to protect indigenous lands and culture. Donate cryptocurrency or cash today to make a lasting impact!

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