
Mikvah USA

EIN: 20-2850305 · Brooklyn, NY

Building And Renovating Mikvahs
Providing Financial Aid
Offering Halachic And Technical Guidance
Supporting Community Education

Our Story

Mikvah USA was founded in 2004 by Rabbi Yitzchok Bistritzky to address the critical need for proper mikvah facilities in North American Jewish communities. This organization has grown through grassroots efforts, ensuring that every Jew has access to a local mikvah, essential for observing taharah and maintaining a connection to Torah.

Our Impact

With over 170 completed mikvah projects, Mikvah USA has significantly enhanced the ability of Jewish communities to observe taharah. The presence of modern, halachically acceptable mikvaos has rejuvenated community morale and increased Torah observance.

Make a Difference Today!

Join the mission to ensure every Jewish community has access to a proper mikvah. Donate cryptocurrency or cash to Mikvah USA and help strengthen Jewish observance and community life.

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