

EIN: 82-4618559 · Asheboro, NC

Youth Travel Opportunities

Our Story

Making Action Happen Abroad for Minorities, known as MAHAM, was founded in 2017 with a mission to empower youth populations aged 14 to 18 who are often overlooked. This organization is dedicated to providing transformative travel experiences that can change the course of their lives. Many students from low-income and minority backgrounds lack the knowledge and opportunities to explore the richness of travel. By exposing these young individuals to different cultures and lifestyles, MAHAM aims to inspire them to dream bigger and strive for a better future.


MAHAM is committed to making a significant difference in the lives of students by offering them opportunities to travel abroad at little to no cost. These experiences can broaden their horizons and influence their future choices.

Get Involved

Join the mission to empower disadvantaged youth! Donate cryptocurrency or cash today to help transform lives through travel experiences. Your support can make a lasting impact!

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