

EIN: 46-0844867 · Jasper, AL

Life is Hope will initially assist with the charitable relief efforts in Portau-Prince, Haiti. Life is Hope plans to live out Christs admonition to care for, and to give hope to, the least of these, specifically orphans, by providing housing and other basic necessities for the glory of God and the building of His Kingdom. The corporation will serve two purposes. The first purpose is to raise enough funds to be able to rebuild an orphanage that was destroyed by the earthquake that ravaged the island nation of Haiti. After the earthquake that struck Haiti in 2010, the orphanage is limited to how many children it can house. Each and every week, mothers leave the orphanage crying because they are not able to house any more children. With the funds that Life is Hope will raise, they hope to build a better facility that includes a school, a trade school, and hopefully a medical clinic. The second purpose that Life is Hope will fulfill is to help with the construction of the orphanage. Withou

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