

EIN: 27-3861302 · Fullerton, CA

Laguna Road School Chorus Foundation LRSCF is a charitable organization founded in 2010 with the purpose of raising funds for the benefit of the student of Laguna Road School, a public school in the Fullerton School District. LRSCF has been operational since 2010 under the direction of Ryan Weiss Wright, principal of Laguna Road Elementary School. The leadership and commitment of the Executive Director and the Board of Directors is one of compassion and caring and is demonstrated by their visibility in the community to meet the needs of the Laguna Road School Chorus. The mission of LRSCF is to identify and implement a safety net to provide services with empathy, compassion and caring to the Laguna Road School Chorus. The Laguna Road School Chorus provides an opportunity for elementary school children in Fullerton and adjacent cities to participate in a choral organization for a deeper appreciation of choral art and for firsthand experience of making fine choral music together while dev

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