

EIN: 83-3536526 · Richfield, MN

Koranda O'Tool Paramedics Incorporated KOPI works at the intersection of emergency medicine and mental health. KOPI achieves his mission through technical training assistance and program evaluation. In 2023 our work focused on the development of a prehospital emergency system in Arusha Tanzania as well as the development of a project that provides low threshold access to substance use treatment in Minneapolis Minnesota. KOPI successfully planned and implemented a training program for police officers in Arusha that will serve as a model for national expansion in 2024. Our work was published in International Emergency Nursing in September of 2023. In addition KOPI helped launch the Minneapolis MARI Sate Station a federally funded program that links individual struggling with substance use disorder to treatment and social services. Our evaluation efforts on this project have helped steer this program toward success and provided valuable recommendations for future work.

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