The KnoxCAM Story
The KnoxCAM journey began in 2005 with a transformative mission trip to Peru, where the Cedar Springs Presbyterian Church Sanctuary and Handbell Choirs performed at various universities and churches in Lima. This experience ignited a passion for outreach through the performing arts, leading to the establishment of Knoxville Christian Arts Ministries in July 2009. Commissioned as a dedicated ministry of the church, KnoxCAM focuses on missional outreach through choral and instrumental music, dance, and drama. In January 2020, KnoxCAM became an independent, non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization, supported by Cedar Springs and a network of generous individuals and organizations. Today, KnoxCAM boasts a vibrant membership of 120 volunteers, aged 18 to 90, representing 40 different churches in the Knoxville area.