Our Story
Chartered in 1976, the Kiwanis Club of the Colorado River Bullhead City Community is committed to building a strong community and providing essential services for children. Members leverage their experience, knowledge, and time to raise funds and actively participate in community projects that benefit all residents. Significant contributions include the construction of the Bullhead City Branch of the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Colorado River, made possible through the generous support of local businesses. The club has also enhanced local parks and ballfields, maintained historical landmarks, and collaborated with Habitat for Humanity.
Annual events such as the Easter Egg Hunt and Trunk or Treat bring joy to local children, while Builders Clubs and Key Clubs foster community service among youth. Scholarships are awarded to local high school students, helping them pursue their dreams of higher education. As the community grows, so does the need for Kiwanis, leading to the establishment of the Bullhead City Morning Kiwanis Club.