
Izaak Walton League of America Inc

EIN: 36-1930035 · Gaithersburg, MD

Clean Water
Healthy Soil
Climate Solutions
Community Science
Outdoor Recreation

Protecting Outdoor America

For over a century, the Izaak Walton League of America has been a steadfast advocate for the nation’s soil, air, woods, waters, and wildlife. Through grassroots efforts, the League empowers communities to safeguard their natural resources while engaging in strategic national conservation initiatives.

Immediate Impact of Your Gift

Your donation will be utilized right away to further the Izaak Walton League's legacy of conservation leadership.

Why Donate?

Stand with the Izaak Walton League to defend the future of outdoor America. Together, we can protect healthy natural resources and preserve our outdoor traditions.

Join the Movement

Make a difference today! Your contribution, whether in cryptocurrency or cash, will help ensure that future generations can enjoy the beauty of our natural landscapes. Donate now to support critical conservation efforts!

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