

EIN: 83-1081576 · Monroe, WA

Our mission and vision is to offer assistance to individuals and families afflicted by difficult tribulation or life-changing events caused by all forms or types of oppression. Our focus, however, is to start from home and support individuals and families who are affected by oppression and persecution from powerful religious leaders or organizations.We believe that it is our inherent right and obligation to fight for and defend the helpless regardless of gender, religion, nationality or race. With the Help The Oppressed Foundation, we are working tirelessly to identify individuals, families, and groups that we can help thru financial assistance, legal assistance, medical, emergency assistance and so much more.We also extend our assistance to those who are persecuted because they raise their voice to expose these kinds of oppressive acts and help those who are maltreated and whose human rights are violated by providing them food, water, shelter and daily necessities. From this specific

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