
Grow and Know

EIN: 27-1139219 · New York, NY

Health Education
Gender Equity

Our Story

In 2005, Marni Sommer embarked on a groundbreaking research project in Tanzania, focusing on girls' understanding of their bodies, menstruation, and puberty. Through collecting personal "menstrual stories," she identified a significant gap in knowledge and confidence among girls regarding their growing bodies. This inspired the creation of the first girls’ puberty book, Vipindi vya Maisha (Growth and Changes), which resonated deeply with girls, mothers, and educators alike. In 2010, Dr. Sommer founded Grow and Know to replicate this success globally, driven by the legacy of Dr. Jackie Kirk, a passionate advocate for girls' education and gender equity.


Grow and Know has successfully developed puberty books in eight countries, providing essential guidance that fosters health and social benefits for both girls and boys.

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