
Green Cities Accord

EIN: 47-1930695 · Minneapolis, MN

Urban Tree Canopy Expansion
Climate Resilience
Environmental Education
Community Health Improvement

Our Story

Established in 2014, Green Cities Accord, formerly known as Green Minneapolis, was created to fulfill a key goal of the Minneapolis Downtown Council’s 2025 plan. The organization has been instrumental in creating green spaces and expanding the urban tree canopy in downtown Minneapolis. With a focus on urban climate resilience, Green Cities Accord has developed expertise in the challenges of planting and maintaining urban trees, collaborating with government, community, nonprofit, and business stakeholders to implement impactful green infrastructure projects.

Our Impact

Your financial support is vital for protecting and growing the urban tree canopy, enhancing the health and quality of life for all urban residents. Trees capture carbon, clean the air, mitigate stormwater, and reduce heating and cooling costs, while also positively impacting mental and physical health.

Why Donate?

Investing in the urban tree canopy not only benefits the environment but also supports local communities, making cities better places to live. Your contributions will help expand and maintain the urban tree canopy, ensuring everyone can enjoy the numerous benefits trees provide.

Get Involved

Join the movement to enhance urban resilience and quality of life. Donate cryptocurrency or cash today to support Green Cities Accord's mission and help create a greener, healthier future for all.

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