Fiscal Alliance Foundation
EIN: 81-5302132 · Boston, MA
Our Story
Founded in 2017, the Fiscal Alliance Foundation is a non-partisan, non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing the lives of individuals by promoting the principles of individual liberty and transparent governance. Based in the United States, the Foundation educates the public on the importance of these values in state governments and provides legal assistance to protect civil rights.
Our Impact
Through comprehensive research, polling, and legal initiatives, the Fiscal Alliance Foundation equips lawmakers and citizens with the resources needed to make informed decisions that benefit all. The Foundation's work fosters a more accountable and responsible government.
Why Donate?
Your contributions are tax-deductible and vital for funding our legal work, polling, and media relations. Support the mission of promoting fiscal responsibility and transparency in government.
Get Involved
Join the movement for individual liberty and transparent governance. Donate cryptocurrency or cash today to help make a difference in your community!
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