
Families In Schools

EIN: 95-4818894 · Los Angeles, CA

Family Engagement in Education
Literacy Improvement
Advocacy for Educational Equity
Capacity Building for Families and Educators

Our Story

For nearly 25 years, Families In Schools has fostered strong partnerships among family members, educators, and community advocates to enhance student success. Operating primarily in Los Angeles and California, FIS is dedicated to ensuring that families are actively involved in educational change and opportunities for their children.


FIS collaborates with school systems and champions parents and caregivers, focusing on closing opportunity gaps for students of color and those living in poverty. Through authentic family engagement practices and advocacy campaigns, the organization drives meaningful change.

Why Donate?

Your contributions to Families In Schools empower families to advocate for their children's education, ensuring that every child receives the necessary support to thrive in school and life. Donations fund programs that enhance capacity for families and educators, leading to improved student outcomes and stronger communities.

Get Involved

Join the movement to empower families and transform education! Donate cryptocurrency or cash today to support Families In Schools and help create a brighter future for children in your community.

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