
Emerge A Men's Counseling Service on Domestic Violence Inc

EIN: 04-2639947 · Malden, MA

Domestic Violence Prevention
Abuser Education
Responsible Parenting
Public Awareness About Partner Violence

About Emerge

Founded in 1977, Emerge A Men's Counseling Service on Domestic Violence Inc. was the first abuser education program in the United States. This pioneering organization has been at the forefront of efforts to end violence in intimate relationships. Emerge focuses on educating individual abusers, preventing young people from accepting violence, and improving institutional responses to domestic violence.

Impact of Emerge

Through its comprehensive programs, Emerge aims to increase public awareness about the causes and solutions to partner violence, recognizing that domestic violence is a learned behavior influenced by societal factors such as racism and poverty.

Why Donate to Emerge?

Your generous donations empower Emerge to continue its vital mission of educating abusers and supporting responsible parenting. Contributions provide essential services and training to those in need, helping to create a safer community.

Join the Fight Against Domestic Violence

Support Emerge's mission by donating cryptocurrency or cash today. Your contribution can make a significant difference in the lives of individuals and families affected by domestic violence.

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