

EIN: 84-1767712 · San Jose, CA

Completed year long CEB Teacher Training in June with week long retreat in January and monthly online content, assignments, small group meetings and webinar through May 2023. Participants then planned, organized and delivered a 12 hour minimum CEB class for their final certification project. Each participant received in person (Zoom) coaching prior to teaching as well as follow up debriefing sessions and a written evaluation. Monthly ongoing meetings and support of certified teachers from around the world have grown and continue. Support of CEB classes being taught globally and locally continues. three CEB retreats led by Senior Teachers, Eve Ekman and Ryan Redman planned for 2023, with one in the USA and two in Europe. Plans are underway for the next CEB Teacher Training to begin in August of 2025. Also, there is ongoing maintenance of the CEB website and a new focus on marketing. Plans for the launch of the CEB book later this year are also underway.

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