
Chicago Food Policy Advisory Council

EIN: 30-0626664 · Chicago, IL

Food Justice
Food Sovereignty
Equitable Access to Nutritious Food
Sustainable Food Systems

Our Story

The Chicago Food Policy Advisory Council facilitates the development of responsible policies that improve access to culturally appropriate, nutritionally sound, and affordable food for Chicago residents. By advocating for food justice and sovereignty, CFPAC focuses on empowering black, indigenous, and residents of color.

Our Impact

The Good Food Purchasing Initiative of Metro Chicago ensures that community institutions invest in a racially equitable, healthy, and sustainable food system, influencing over $1 billion in annual food spending.

Why Donate?

Your donation supports the advancement of food justice and sovereignty, ensuring all Chicagoans have access to nutritious food while promoting sustainable practices.

Get Involved

Join the movement for food justice in Chicago! Donate cryptocurrency or cash today to help create a more equitable food system for all.

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