
Cambridge Economic Opportunity Committee

EIN: 04-2378175 · Cambridge, MA

Anti Poverty Initiatives
Housing Assistance
Financial Education
Health Insurance Assistance
Food Security

Our Story

Cambridge Economic Opportunity Committee (CEOC) is the designated anti-poverty nonprofit organization in Cambridge, established during the War on Poverty in 1965. CEOC is dedicated to empowering individuals and mobilizing resources to address the root causes of poverty through education and community organizing.

Our Impact

Last year, CEOC made a significant difference by providing food and grocery store gift cards to over 8,600 households, assisting more than 5,400 individuals with health insurance enrollment, and securing $2.6 million in tax refunds for over 1,500 low-income tax filers.

Make a Difference Today!

Join the fight against poverty in Cambridge. Donate cryptocurrency or cash to CEOC and help create a community where everyone has access to affordable housing, quality healthcare, and food security.

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