
Beis Midrash of Queens

EIN: 11-2509831 · New York, NY

Charitable Assistance
Religious Initiatives

Our Story

Founded in 1982 by Rabbi Hershel Reichman, Beis Midrash of Queens serves as a vital learning center in Queens, dedicated to the Jewish community. The organization promotes the three pillars of the world: Torah, Avoda, and Gemilut Chassadim, supporting educational, charitable, and religious initiatives.


BMQ has significantly increased access to Torah knowledge by publishing over 35,000 volumes of Reshimos Shiurim and creating, a premier online Torah education platform. Scholarships for needy children and support for Torah scholars further exemplify its commitment to the community.

Why Donate?

Your donations to BMQ are tax-deductible and directly support initiatives that enhance Torah study, encourage prayer, and provide assistance to those in need.

Get Involved

Join the mission of Beis Midrash of Queens by donating today. Your contribution, whether in cryptocurrency or cash, will help expand educational resources and support charitable efforts within the Jewish community.

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