

EIN: 68-0224100 · Stockton, CA

Affordable Housing
Community Health
Youth Leadership Development
Economic Opportunity

Our Story

Founded in 1989 by a group of 35 refugee families from the Khmer Rouge regime, the Asian Pacific Self-Development and Residential Association (APSARA) emerged from the dire need for safe and affordable housing. These families, living in the deteriorating Park Village Apartments, faced severe economic hardship and trauma. In 1993, APSARA successfully purchased the complex from HUD for just $1, transforming it into a haven for community and youth.


As an anchor institution in Stockton's Southeast Asian community, APSARA provides essential services, including deportation defense, healthcare access, and youth leadership development.

Why Donate?

Your support helps APSARA continue its mission of building a safe and supportive community for Southeast Asian refugees.

Get Involved

Join the movement to empower Southeast Asian refugees. Donate cryptocurrency or cash today to help provide vital services such as food, education, and job development. Every contribution makes a difference!

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