
Stop Suicide USA

EIN: 46-1322007 · Sharpsburg, GA

Suicide Prevention
Mental Health Awareness
Community Training

Our Story

Stop Suicide USA, formerly known as Armed Forces Mission, has trained over 25,000 individuals in suicide intervention techniques across the United States. Founded on the impactful work of Army Chaplain Lou Koon, who has conducted nearly 2,000 suicide interventions, the organization aims to create Community Gatekeepers equipped to support those at risk of suicide.


With more than 2,000 successful suicide interventions and 29,000 individuals trained, Stop Suicide USA is making a significant difference in mental health awareness.

Get Involved

Join the fight against suicide by donating today! Your contribution, whether in cryptocurrency or cash, empowers individuals to become trained Community Gatekeepers, making a lasting impact on mental health in your community.

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