
Alliance For Just Money

EIN: 83-1267866 · Bloomington, IL

Monetary Reform
Economic Justice
Social Equity
Environmental Sustainability

Our Story

The Alliance For Just Money is a nonpartisan network dedicated to advocating for a just, transparent, and sustainable monetary system. By returning the sovereignty of money creation to the government, the organization aims to serve the public interest and educate both the public and elected representatives about the necessity of monetary reform.


Addressing high levels of debt, inequality, and economic instability, the Alliance seeks to reform the money system for the benefit of all, promoting social, environmental, and economic justice.

Why Donate?

Your donations support the Alliance's educational efforts regarding the monetary system and their reform proposals, contributing to a more equitable society.

Get Involved

Join the movement for monetary reform! Your contribution, whether in cryptocurrency or cash, empowers the Alliance to continue its vital work in advocating for a just money system. Together, we can create lasting change.

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